Orbital Welding Machines

Orbital welding is built upon two main components: the weld head and the power supply. As one of the foundational tools, the power supply regulates the electrical energy supplying the arc on the weld head. This ensures that you have precise control and consistency throughout the welding process.

Another important piece of the process is the water cooler. Having a water cooler is crucial to keeping your weld head and power supply from overheating and helps with the longevity of your equipment.

We have power supplies and water coolers from all the leading brands, like AMI, AXXAIR, and Magnatech, available for purchase or rent.


Elevate your next orbital pipe welding job with the GT400 from Liburdi Dimetrics! Portable, fully functional, this power supply has a 350A output, covering a wide range of applications with...
Magnatech 515 Power Supply

Magnatech 515 Pipemaster Power Supply

Product Description: The 515 power source has been innovatively designed to simplify the pipe welding process. Magnatech’s 515 model provides the advantages of digital technology to the orbital welding industry,...
Magnatech 516 Controller

Magnatech 516 Pipemaster Controller

Product Description:  The Magnatech Model 516 Pipemaster is a programmable controller providing the benefits of digital design with unparalleled accuracy, repeatability, and reliability.  The latest generation of Pipemaster controllers is...
517 EZ Orbital Controller

Magnatech 517 EZ Orbital Controller

Product Description:  Magnatech 517 EZ Orbital Controller is the most affordable and intuitive solution for precision tube welding. Developed to be a lightweight and modular system, the EZ Orbital 517...
MPS4000 Orbital Welding Controller

Magnatech MPS 4000 Digital Inverter and Power Supply

The Magnatech MPS 4000 is a digital inverter power source ideal for GMAW/FCAW process welding. It comes with an integral weld head controller to operate any and all Magnatech Pipeliner...


Get the most out of your next job with the P300 Power Supply! With built-in data logging, 300A peak output, and multiple language user interface, the P300 gives you precision...


Level up your jobsite with Liburdi Dimetrics' PTW160! This ultra portable tube welder features 160A output, an integrated water cooler, and built-in data logging. Lightweight and portable, the PTW160 also...
Magnatech Video Monitoring System

Video Arc Monitoring (VAM) System

The Video Arc Monitoring System (VAM) is a remote monitoring system designed to allow operators to visually monitor and manage the GTAW process in hazardous or visually inaccessible environments. Not...
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AMI 217 Power Supply-AMI Orbital Welding Equipment

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